Produktion Reed

The history of Reed

The history of a successful Swiss company

From a two-man business to a successful company.

  • 1986

    Founded by two young enthusiasts, the success story of Reed Electronics AG started in 1986. Much like many other companies, production initially took place in a rented garage. At this time, the focus was solely placed on sensors for monitoring fluids. The two founders soon enjoyed their first taste of success. From these early days, a number of partnerships have developed that remain in place to this very day.

  • 1993

    Due to a lack of space, operations were moved to rented premises in an industrial building in Schachen (canton of Lucerne).

  • 1996

    Purchase of the first company building. Up to this point, the company still only produced and sold level sensors. In the same year, a neighbouring company enquired about the development of a machine that could automatically connect thermoplastic hoses. The company seized this opportunity and the Development department was established in 1997.

  • 1999

    Three years after the enquiry, the ReeWelder – the first generation of the modern-day Biowelder® TC – was launched on the market. The current version of this product is now in its fourth generation.

  • 2005

    The first version of a machine that safely separates thermoplastic hoses is launched on the market. The ReeSealer is the predecessor of the current Biosealer® TC series, which is now available on the market in its second generation.

  • 2007

    Exactly ten years after the market launch of the Reewelder, Reed enters into a strategic and successful partnership with the renowned German Sartorius Group.

  • 2013

    Both the sensor system and biotech sectors and the Development department are continuously expanded. The number of employees is constantly increasing and space is at a premium in the company's premises. To meet the increasing demands from all sides, a decision is made in 2013 for a new building to be constructed. Planning for this project commences.

  • 2015

    Acquisition of the new building. The large amount of space available promotes the further development of the company.

  • 2016

    Suction lances with integrated fluid monitoring have been produced for numerous customers for a number of years. In 2015, a decision was made to develop the standard suction lance in three different lengths. These are successfully launched in 2016.

  • 2021

    During the Corona pandemic, we made an important contribution to global vaccine production as well as the execution of PCR tests. In particular, our devices BWTC and BSTC, distributed by Sartorius, were used worldwide for these purposes. Our sensors were also integrated into critical equipment, and we were classified as essential. Even in challenging times, we have been able to source components and meet the increased demand—thanks especially to our loyal partners.

  • 2022

    Launch of the first medical product Maconnect. The first multiple sterile welding device for the connection of up to 6 tube connections. Automation is coming, based on the old know-how of the Reed company.

  • 2024

    In 2024, we launched the Biowelder S, an environmentally friendly welding device that offers precise and efficient processing. At the same time, we received the EcoVadis Gold Award for our sustainability initiatives. These achievements reinforce our commitment to innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of liquid handling.

  • Today

    From it's beginnings as a two-person company, it has grown into a successful enterprise with 50+ employees. One of the founders, Thomi Christen, still serves as the CEO and, along with his family, is the owner of this thriving Central Swiss company... to be continued

Peter Schmid
Technical Sales

If you are interested in our company history or would like to learn more about our current products, get in touch with us. We would be happy to provide you with advice.

Systementwicklung Reed Electronics AG
A system development
Level monitoring with considerable added value

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